Friday 20 January 2012

Magazine prelim mock up.

I have edited my image of the model and added puffs to create the intrests of the school audience.
The barcode at the bottom right i have made to cover up the arm that went wrong on photo shop.
The name of my magazine is ARTiCOL, the name has come from the idea of it being an article, but i used the term "col" to use as a reffrence for "college" as this is a school magazine. I have gone into more detail of what the school magazine is about by using the word art in capital letters and the "i" being made smaller. I purposly did this as the letter "i" could be interpretated in many ways if read aloud, for example, an eye ball, which relates to a pupil, this magazine is involving the pupils at the college as it is the target audience.

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