Wednesday 22 February 2012

Marking music magazines

"RythmN'Beatz =
From a distance i didn't feel as if this magazine was striking, as the colour scheme that was chosen didn't work well with the style of magazine. The image of the artist had been cut out using photoshop, however it had been done poorly and on one image her arm was completely missing and it was stretched.  The language was accurate and had a minimal front cover.
Over all i gave the magazine a level 1 and 18.

"Voice" =
I liked the colour scheme of this magazine but i felt that the front cover was a bit boring and some of the images on the contents page looked really unprofessional, for example the picture of a girl on a bed that hadn't been cut out. I thought the article was good but the overall magazine didn't appeal to me as a "rock" magazine. Also the numbers on the contents page weren't chronological.
Over all i gave this magazine a level 2 and 26.

"Drowned in sound" =
Firstly the name had been taken from the internet, i felt there was to much on the front cover and to many colours where involved. The image was slightly bury and hadn't been cut out so showing no sign of photo shop skills for that. But i thought the text worked well and there wasn't any spelling mistakes.
Over all i gave this magazine a level 3 and 38.

This magazine didn't look like a music magazine it looked like a glamour magazine. She spelt Lily allen incorrectly and the barcode didn't work very well. It was supposed to be a "indie pop" magazine, but i didn't feel as if there was anything indie or pop about it. I really liked the idea of the dps and writing around a letter i thought that was really good but i also didn't think the name represented a music magazine and was a bit irrelevant.
Over all i gave this magazine a level 3 and 46.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Mock up of magazine draft.,

Images for my contents page.

I like these images, i think they would work well on my contents page to advertise the interview with the singer Rachel Howard, it shows her individuality and her sense of humour. 

Saturday 11 February 2012

Draft photo shoot

I was able to take my pictures of Rachel in college, i took about 40 photos and narrowed them down to just a few that i liked to use on the cover,  contents and the dps. When it came to putting the cover together, i noticed that her outfit didn't work well with the genre of my magazine and the colour of her cardigan didn't go well with the colour scheme i originally chose, which is blue pink black and white. I decided to change the colour of the artist to grey scale, to make it work and to attract my audience. I think it works really well and looks different to most of the magazines already out there. I have a few adjustments to make which are quick and easy, for example, adding more cover lines but consciously keeping it minimal and effective. 

Friday 10 February 2012

Magazine draft

Here is my final magazine cover, i had a few problems using photo shop so my DPS and contents aren't completely finished yet. But here is what i have so far.. 

Thursday 9 February 2012

Artist Test Shots.

This shot works well when it comes to appealing to my pop magazine, it is fun and shows the artist having a good time and not being to serious about things. 

Here is the artist campaigning for the charity "Save The World".

Another image of the artist campaigning for the charity. This could be a possible double page spread images.

Down below i have edited some images to make them look different to the other magazines you can buy.

I think the images would work really well once i have edited them using photoshop to hide the background and make them more presentable for my double page spread.

Questionaire analysis.

From my questionaire i have found that the majority of people i asked around the college liked the idea of blue black pink and white. This colour scheme has been my favourite from the beggining so i am happy with the answers and will go for this when putting the magazine together.
I also found that monthy magazines seemed to be most popular so i wont change my original plan of making it a monthy music magazine. I will make the magazine £4 as it seemed to be a reasonable price to pay for a magazine. I also asked which magazines were most regularly bought, my feedback confirmed pop magazines were popular but many people said they liked a busy look and minimal writing, however they enjoy reading casual interviews.  I will keep this in mind when designing my magazine so it appeals to my audience.

Artist Profile

 My artist will be Rachel Howard. A succesful solo pop artist from Leicestershire. She is fun and funky with a her own style. She is currently making it big in the US and has been recently touring Britain for her many fans. Rachel appeals to my target audience as young teens and adults love her. She has been in the public eye since the age of 18 but has only just become a succesful singer and song writer. In her spare time she has been campaigning for a charity "Save The World" which aims to cut down the carbon footprint and do good for our planet. This is inspiring for my target audience and sends out a positive image for pop artists. The campaign will also be featured in the double page spread alongside an interview with the star herself. 
I have chosen this artist because from my questionaire and gathering my results i learnt that having one female artist is a popular choice for most magazines, not only "pop" magazines. 

Monday 6 February 2012


I carried out a questionaire on a group of teenagers around the school, the aim of this was to gain as much information as possible using open and closed questions about a music magazine they would be willing to buy. Here is what i found.. The answers are what the majority answered in brackets.

1- How much would you spend on a monthy magazine?
£2 - £4?

( The majority said £4)

2- Which colours would be most appealing to you?
Pink, Blue, black and white?
Pink, yellow, red?
Yellow green pink?

(Pink Blue white and black)

3- How often do you buy music magazines?
every month

(Every month)

4- What music magazines do you buy at the moment?

(Pop magazines)

5- Which cover would be most appealing to you?


6- In your opinion for a music magazine, which works best on the cover?
1 artist
A band
1 male
1 female

( females)

7- Do you enjoy reading the articles and interviews?

( yes) 

8- What kind of music do you listen to?

( Katy Perry, coldplay, rhianna)

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Magazine covers, - inspiration

I have taken some inspiration from this magazine cover from V, it features the artist Justin Bieber who is a pop singer. I like the idea of having a solo artist on the cover and will carry this through to when it comes to making my own magazine. The colour scheme on this page works well, the colour in V highlights the name of the magazine and the singers face and gives the impression of the singer resting his head on the title. The white text stands out against his black jumper to make the cover lines stand out.

This magaizne "allure" looks fun and exciting featuring the actress Zooey Deschanel. The facial expression looks intriguing to readers as it looks like she may be up to something, or been caught doing something she shouldnt perhaps. I like the colour scheme of this magazine with the red writing matching the lips. I think it works really well. I will carry this theme through to my magazine to make it fun and appealing to my target audience.

Another magazine cover that has inspired me is "Billboard", it features the pop artist Katy Perry wearing flowers around her dress. The magazine looks fairly minimalistic with the black text contrasting on the pink background. This appears to be more of a girly magazine yet like the above cover, looks fun and exciting, a theme that i will be sure to continute through to my own magazine. The colour scheme on this magazine works really well with the blue and yellow in the title, it fits in well with the magazine and the featured artist.

Colour pallets for magazine.

Colour Pallets