Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation (final) 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? From doing my preliminary task i feel i have progressed massively. I have learnt how to use software such as Photoshop, and my camera skills developed. From doing my preliminary task, i have also gained knowledge by researching music magazines of how certain conventions work and which ones don’t. I have also picked up on things such as barcodes being to big or to small,. This is something that doesn’t sound important but can take away the interest from the main cover image. Skills i feel i have developed the most would be my photo shop skills, in my first task i was only able to work the basics and struggled to sufficiently cut images out. I was also able to change contrasts which i had already learnt from studying art. My magazine is now of a higher standard since using Photoshop and i therefore feel my magazine has progressed from learning the different tools Photoshop has to offer, for example the layers. I believe my progression is obvious throughout the course from looking at the different of my preliminary and final magazine. Since the preliminary i studied various magazines such as Q, Vibe, and kerrang. I thought this would enable me to have a broad knowledge of many different genres and i soon learnt about different conventions that would be appealing to my specific audience. I also learnt about Laura Mulvey, and the rule of three; things i could use in order to make my magazine successful. Whilst doing my final magazine i also had different versions of contents pages, double page spreads, and front cover. I did this so i could successfully make my magazine aesthetically pleasing. I also learnt what didn’t work well and what did. Where as when i did my preliminary i felt the front cover was to minimal, this is something i took on board when it came to producing the final magazine and in contrast to the i feel preliminary, my magazine now is far more detailed and looks more appealing to my target audience. I also felt that my contents page was to vague, i changed this and decided to section what the magazine has to offer. I felt this worked well as it appeared neat and tidy and easy to read for my audience. Another decision i decided to do was have more than one artist in my magazine, whereas with my preliminary i focussed in on just one artist, this took away from the idea of it being a genuine magazine. I also took different images of my artist wearing different outfits which show the versatility and what i had to work with. This gave me more options and i ended up with a good front cover image of my artist.

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